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20 of the Best Mature Anime of All Time

20 of the Best Mature Anime of All Time

Anime aimed at teens is a lot of fun. But anime aimed at an older crowd is on a whole other level! You get more violence, gore, nudity and sex than you bargained for...which isn't entirely a bad thing.
Art of Redline: The Ultimate Dream Car

Art of Redline: The Ultimate Dream Car

Redline works great as mindless entertainment, but with its racing cars and wild robots, it also constructs a metaphorical love letter to the process of animation. Join us as we explore the extravagant cars and subtle message portrayed throughout the film.

by removed_user


Music Worth Jamming to from Redline

Music Worth Jamming to from Redline

Redline is one of the most flat-out entertaining films to come out of anime in recent memory. There's a whole host of reasons for this, but for now we're concerned with the beautiful music behind it. Here's a small sampling what you should jam to from the film.