Scorpio "The Scorpion (Tenkatsukyuu)"


Fairy Tail
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Fairy Tail OVA
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Fairy Tail (2014)
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Fairy Tail Movie 2: Dragon Cry
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Fairy Tail: Final Series
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Fairy Tail: 100-nen Quest
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Fairy Tail
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Member Favorites: 1

Scorpio (スコーピオン)

Scorpio is a Celestial Spirit that is one of the 12 Golden Zodiac Keys. His key is currently owned by Lucy. He is also Aquarius's boyfriend with which he has a happy relationship. His weapon appears to be a large, strange gun shaped like a scorpion's tail.

Scorpio has a strange manner of speaking which is similar to the third person where as he says "We are" in the beginning of each sentence. Scorpio has also a habit of folding his middle and ring fingers back while keeping his index and little fingers extended, mimicking the pincer claws of a scorpion.

Unlike Aquarius, Scorpio hasn't shown any hostility or dislike towards Lucy. In fact he seems to genuinely respect and care for Lucy.

Voice Actors
Kishio, Daisuke
Chandler, Andrew
Harms, Martha
Casany, José Manuel
Méyère, Bruno
Aresu, Massimo
Zylberberg, Jérémy
Phillips, Kyle

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