Ruri "Hollywood" Hijiribe

Ruri Hijiribe

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Durarara!!x2 Shou
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Durarara!!x2 Ten
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Durarara!!x2 Ketsu
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Durarara!! RE;Dollars-hen
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Durarara!! 18 Shiryaku
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Member Favorites: 17

Ruri Hijiribe (聖辺 ルリ)

Height: 162cm
Weight: 42kg
Blood Type: Unknown
Birthday: Sept. 27th (Though on the faux wiki in Vol.4 it says she was born on Aug. 8th.)
Hobbies: Collecting figurines of monsters, beasts and curious human beings
Things she likes: Cats, family, singing, movies with monsters in them, special makeup
Things she dislikes: Her own weaknesses, direct summer sunlight
Foods she likes: Liver sashimi, foods rich in iron content
Foods she dislikes: Foods that have garlic in them
Favorite saying: "Solitude is a good place to visit, but a poor place to stay." - Henry Wheeler Shaw

Ruri is a very popular idol (many characters have reportedly confessed to be her fans, among them Shinra, Togusa, and several Awakusu-kai members), one of her selling points being her fragile good looks. She's originally a makeup artist and is in charge of Kasuka's vampire makeup in Kasuka's first TV show.

Voice Actors
Valenzuela, Cristina
Fujita, Saki