Mail "Matt" Jeevas

Mail Jeevas

Death Note
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Death Note: Rewrite
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Death Note
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Member Favorites: 880

Mail Jeevas (マット / マイル・ジーヴァス)

Matt is a cohort of Mello's, first appearing in Chapter 83. He does some espionage work for him and is an accomplice in Takada's kidnapping. He follows orders without question, usually smoking a cigarette as he does. Not much else is known about him, other than he is a former resident of Wammy's orphanage.

Matt's real name is Mail Jeevas (pronounced like "mile" rather than "male"); he likes video games, but dislikes going out, and Matt was behind Mello and Near to succeed L. Matt is 168 centimeters (5 feet and 6 inches) tall, weighs 52 kilograms (115 pounds), and his blood type O. His birthday is February 1, 1990.

It was said that during his time in Wammy's orphanage he and Mello were very close friends and liked to cause trouble. Also it was reported that his calm demeanor and laid back attitude was the reason why he is third in line to be L. His lack of motivation and drive the only thing holding him back from being first. His intelligence matching even surpassing Mello and Nears'.
(Source: Wikipedia)

Voice Actors
Nishimura, Tomohiro
Nelson, Drew
Ruiz, Miguel Ángel
Dubernat, Bruno
Ferreira, Diogo
Portuguese (BR)