Afro Samurai

Afro Samurai
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Afro Samurai: Resurrection
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Afro Samurai Movie
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Afro Samurai Pilot
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Afro Samurai
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Ten of the Best Violent Anime

Ten of the Best Violent Anime

On screen violence is thrilling, exhilarating, and without a doubt makes the adrenaline run and pump through the veins. Here's a list of 10 of the best violent anime to tie your knickers in a knot.

by MissSimplice


15 Characters Fueled by Vengeance

15 Characters Fueled by Vengeance

They say that revenge is sweet and that it is also a dish best served cold. This also happens to perfectly describe ice cream. Come take a look at characters who are sustained by their vengeance and not just ice cream.

by NicWat10


Top 15 Best Samurai Anime of All Time

Top 15 Best Samurai Anime of All Time

Samurai are probably one of the most well-known aspects of Japanese history and culture, which also makes them a highly sought after theme in the anime world. To check them out in action, here are 15 of the best samurai anime.

by FreeNightFalls


Famous Actors You Didn't Realize Voiced Anime Dubs

Famous Actors You Didn't Realize Voiced Anime Dubs

Sometimes anime lands some big names to star in its English dubs. From Patrick Stewart to Bryan Cranston: these are the big name actors who make an appearance in anime… or at least, their voices do.

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Top 10 Dark-Skinned and Black Anime Characters

Top 10 Dark-Skinned and Black Anime Characters

Strong, smart and adorable: these dark skinned anime characters sure know how to rock their color. Celebrate diversity and get to know some of these anime people of color a little better!
Top 10 Hip-Hop Music Videos feat. Badass Anime Rap

Top 10 Hip-Hop Music Videos feat. Badass Anime Rap

Yo! Check it out yo! Japan is famous for its unique adaptations of hip-hop music. But what about vise versa? There are actually quite a few anime-inspired rap lyrics in western music. Let's explore some famous anime references in hip-hop, as well as the array of rap tunes and rappers in anime!
15 Quotes You Don't Say to the Afro Samurai: Famous Last Words

15 Quotes You Don't Say to the Afro Samurai: Famous Last Words

Always be careful when speaking to Afro. He may be silent and uninterested all the time, but you really don't want to mess with him. You may never have the chance to see tomorrow! Here are 15 quotes random bad guys said that pissed off the Afro Samurai. Be sure to read all of them!

by llezur17


Sword Master is the Ultimate Father Figure of Afro Samurai

Sword Master is the Ultimate Father Figure of Afro Samurai

Afro Samurai gives us not only breathtaking action sequences and eye-catching animation, but also one of the coolest warriors in anime and the ultimate father figure. Meet Afro Samurai and Sword Master. Let's get to know these two unique characters a bit better and explore their powerful bond.
Uncovering Afro Samurai Game Adaptations: Bring On the Action

Uncovering Afro Samurai Game Adaptations: Bring On the Action

Afro Samurai is a super-hot anime and manga series. There are also two game adaptations. Fans of action, hack 'n' slash and brawling titles have another reason to sharpen their katanas. Let's take a closer look at these Afro Samurai game adaptations and see what the fuss is all about!
Feast Your Eyes: The Best Food in Anime!

Feast Your Eyes: The Best Food in Anime!

Whether they're saving the world, destroying it, or just trying to pass their exams, every character gets hungry at some point. Good thing anime has some of the best food you'll ever see—magical, mundane, and even monstrous! Let's salivate over some of the tastiest 2D dishes.

by Jankenpopp


Slashing with Style: 10 Afro Samurai Gifs

Slashing with Style: 10 Afro Samurai Gifs

If you took Quentin Tarantino, feudal Japan, disco music, testosterone, sex, and Samuel Jackson's voice, put all of that in a blender, then you would create the anime Afro Samurai. Go to a doctor if you can't enjoy seeing the coolest samurai ever, chop through a dozen guys like butter.