Shizuku Sangou

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Kämpfer für die Liebe
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Member Favorites: 552

Shizuku Sangou (三郷 雫)

President of the Student Council and one of the Three Beauties of Seitetsu, she is a model student with perfect attendance record. In addition, however, she is also a Red Kämpfer fighting with the Schwert ability of wielding two chained daggers at will. She wants to expose Moderator's intentions but has no problem fighting Blue Kämpfers until that goal was accomplished. After being spared following a defeat by Natsuru, she enters a truce with Natsuru and Akane and has since taken an interest in Natsuru in a slightly sly and teasing manner, throwing him off balance with embarrassing remarks/actions while maintaining a poker face in the process, despite being constantly treated with suspicion as a result. After being invited by Kaede to visit her home and then spend the night there, however, Shizuku is seen getting inquisitive about what happens after Kaede snuck into Natsuru's bed and then wondering if she is indeed feeling jealous over Kaede getting the chance to do so.

(Source: Wikipedia)

Voice Actors
Nazuka, Kaori
Zimmermann, Katrin
Barr, Katelyn