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Featured Articles![]() Easy Anime Cosplay Ideas for the Broke (and Lazy)
Want to make an anime cosplay outfit but don't have the time or money dedicated to actually putting it together? This is the guide for you.
by Littoface 400,797 views ![]() Ash's Pokemon Teams Throughout the Regions
Over the years, Ash Ketchum (Satoshi) has traveled to many different regions in the Pokemon world. Each new region brings a new generation of Pokemon with it and the anime features Ash and his pal Pikachu catching a new team of Pokemon with each new adventure.
by NicWat10 1,715,396 views ![]() Pokemon Go Is The Mobile Gaming Juggernaut With The Secret Sauce
Just about everyone is playing Pokemon Go these days, the massive mobile gaming hit which is simply impossible to ignore. Let's take a more detailed look at this phenomenon, and see how everyone is responding to it and why it's so incredibly successful.
by MisterD98 8,477 views ![]()
There's nothing wrong with some friendly competition, but seeing our favorite anime characters embroiled in some decidedly unfriendly competition can be fun too!. Anime is chock-full of rivals who want nothing more than to outdo one another, and prove who is stronger, faster, or just plain better!
by NicWat10 80,215 views ![]() Top 15 Best Anime Sleeping Faces
This article is dedicated to all the sleepyheads out there. And it's comforting to know that you're not alone, as we uncover the best anime sleeping faces!
by MisterD98 346,787 views ![]() Top 15 Anime Characters With Bizarre Collections
Do you collect anything? These anime characters do. And their collections are on the… bizarre side of things. Maybe you should keep your distance from these strange anime collectors and their selection of oddities.
by Littoface 30,130 views ![]()
Have yourself some merry little cute and cuddly anime toys! Christmas may be over but it’s still the season to be jolly, so don’t hold back and treat yourself and your family and friends to some super cute toys to celebrate the New Year!
by yukisakura7 28,997 views ![]() Top 20 Must Watch Anime Classics of All Time
Check out these 20 must watch anime classics! All of them are popular anime that are considered genuine masterpieces and have set important milestones in the history of anime. Some have unique visuals, some have complex characters, and some have both. Let's take a whimsical stroll down memory lane!
633,087 views ![]() Anime Fan Theories: Who is Ash Ketchum's Dad?
In its entire run, the Pokemon anime series has never once shown a single clue as to who Ash's father really is. He is mentioned briefly as a 'Pokemon trainer on an adventure'. However, fans aren't quite satisfied with this theory, and have made theories of their own.
56,680 views ![]() The History of Team Rocket: Blasting Off Again and Again!
Prepare for trouble! There's a deep history of Team Rocket that some Pokemon fans aren't familiar with, whether it's members that weren't introduced in Western media, or what rank the members happen to be. Let's blast off into the history of Team Rocket!
34,752 views ![]() Pokemon XY: Featuring the Latest in Pokedex Technology
A digital encyclopedia that catalogs the many hundreds of species of Pokemon, a Pokedex is a handy tool and one of the best friends for any Pokemon Trainer. While Pokedexes do function a little differently throughout the Pokemon franchise, their base functions remain the same.
by NicWat10 13,343 views ![]() Pokemon XY Events: Showcases, Contests, and Beyond
Pokemon has always featured Satoshi (Ash) challenging Gyms to win badges and enter the Pokemon League. But Gym battles are not the only path open to a Pokemon trainer. Aspiring, young trainers can also work hard to win Showcases, Contests, and a number of other events with their Pokemon partners.
by NicWat10 19,996 views ![]() The Mystery Behind the Banned Pokémon Episodes
Despite the anime being the light and enjoyable show it is, there's a number of Pokémon banned episodes due to certain circumstances. Discover why these episodes have been banned in the list below and decide for yourself if they deserve the censorship.
by Law_Light 43,113 views ![]() Digimon vs Pokemon: Children and their Cute Monster Partners
Pokemon and Digimon came out at about the same time and both franchises share a similar concept, children partnering up with Digital/Pocket monsters to go on adventures and save the world. But what differences are there between these two series?
by NicWat10 11,871 views ![]() Top 20 Best Pokemon Games of All Time
Pokemon, a simple video game that quickly became a global phenomenon that still touches the hearts of children around the world to this day. For longtime fans of the series, as well as new fans interested in the older games, this list will assist you in picking out which games are the best ones.
by NicWat10 33,307 views ![]() Pokemon XY Theme Song and How It Compares to the Original
The newest installation of the Pokemon anime series, Pokemon XY, features a remixed version of the original, 'Gotta Catch Em All' that was used in the first season. How does the new cover compare to the original song? Find out here!
7,882 views ![]() Pokemon XY: Gym Leaders of the Kalos Region
The goal of most Pokemon trainers is to become a Champion. The first step in doing so is to win a Pokemon League competition. Entering a League requires a trainer to first earn eight Badges, each of which can be won by defeating a Gym Leader.
by NicWat10 97,973 views ![]() Growing Pains: Baby to Child to Adult!
It seems like most all anime characters get to stay teenagers forever! However, there are a few anime characters out there who know what a pain growing up can truly be. Who are they? Read on to find out!
by Rhiannone-10 39,797 views ![]() Pokemon XY: Battling to be the Best
If you want to be the very best like no one ever was, catching Pokemon is simply not enough. Any Pokemon Trainer worth their merit must polish their skills and the skills of their Pokemon partners through the exciting world of Pokemon Battles!
by NicWat10 4,957 views |