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Raki (ラキ)

Race: Human
Status: Alive
Hair: Light brown
Eyes: Brown
Hometown: Doga (Lautrec)
Occupation: Swordsman
Affiliations: Claymore (Ally)∕Seven Ghost (Ally)
Generation: Clare ~ Clarice
Know relatives: Zaki (Brother, deceased); Clare (Lover); Priscilla (Friend); Isley (Sword Master, deceased)
Manga Debut: Chapter 1
Anime Debut: Episode 1

Living in his peaceful village like any ordinary boy, Raki's life is changed forever when most of his family is killed by a Yoma. When the "Claymore" Clare arrives in Raki's town to kill the Yoma, it turns out the Yoma camouflaged itself as Raki's older brother after killing the other family members. After killing the Yoma and saving Raki, Clare leaves the town. However, the superstitious villagers throws Raki out, fearing that he might turn into a Yoma himself after being so close to one. Raki follows Clare, and is eventually allowed to accompany her as her cook.

But the true hardships have not yet begun for Clare and Raki...

Voice Actors
Takagi, Motoki
Haberkorn, Todd
Stollberg, Dirk
Eom, Sang Hyeon
Oldani, Andrea
Caillebot, Rémi
Almeida, Lucas
Portuguese (BR)
Montaño, Emiliano

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