Manaria Sousse

Watashi no Oshi wa Akuyaku Reijou.
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Watashi no Oshi wa Akuyaku Reijou.
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Watashi no Oshi wa Akuyaku Reijou.: Revolution
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Member Favorites: 17

Manaria Sousse (マナリア=スース)

Manaria Sousse is the first crown princess of the kingdom of Sousse and a distant relative of Claire. She is the world's first confirmed quad-caster who possesses the highest aptitude in every element.

Manaria was Claire's first love, although she was first mistaken for a boy, and helped Claire overcome the trauma of losing her mother. They grew close after this incident and would continue writing to each other for years to come.

Manaria was exiled from her kingdom after being exposed for visiting women at brothels, and in particular having an affair with one of her maids.

Voice Actors
Mizuki, Nana
Bartolomei, Vittoria
Guedes, Mari
Portuguese (BR)
Malvárez, Wendy
Barr, Katelyn
Van-Geneugden, Vanessa