Alice Anotherbible, usual just called Alice, is a character introduced in Souyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index.
Anna Sprengel has referred to Alice as bored and Aradia has described everything she says as being downright indecipherable and absurdities, and that when faced with psychedelic nonsense went along with it without questioning any of it. Aradia also described her as pure and innocent but capricious, cruel and violent, such that they could predict what she would do next. Alice tends to refer to herself as "the girl" or "this girl"
In reference to Alice herself, her name has been explicitly noted as that of the famous children's story, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, which Aleister Crowley had suggested as must-read for those wishing to deepen their understanding of magic, claiming it took on a complete new meaning if the reader had sufficient knowledge of Kabbalah, and listing it alongside the Goetia and the Golden Bough.
Alice's full background is unknown, but she is known to both Anna and Aradia, who have described her as though she has experienced Wonderland and events described in the book, including the game of croquet and the trial. According to Alice herself, she has gone on many strange adventures with people in the past, including one who wanted to become a god, one who wanted to be immortal and one who wanted to get back at academia for making fun of him.
Seeking to make use of Alice's power for their own ends, a hidden group of powerful magicians submitted to and caterred for her whims, providing her with any toys or entertainment she wanted, with their bases determined by her interests. Until recently at the time of December of the current year, Alice had been having fun in a remote island prison she had created (speculated by Aradia to perhaps be the influence of some American drama), and an incident in which she got upset was responsible for water and traces of life on a planet dozens of light-years away, which was subsequently discovered and being talked about by the public around the time that Anna was introduced to the group. The group's current base on December 29th was a cruise ship in a flooded stadium in the middle of a rainforest, with at least one giant yellow duck waddling around.
It's later revealed that her real name and true identity is Alice Pleasance Liddell, an ordinary girl whom the titular character of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland were based off. She is also the first ever Transcendent born in the Earth.
(Source: Toaru Majutsu no Index Wiki)
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