Wendy Satou

High Card
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High Card Season 2
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High Card: The Flowers Bloom
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High Card: ♢9 No Mercy
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Member Favorites: 29

Wendy Satou (ウェンディ・サトー)

Age: 21

Wendy Satou is beautiful, but unfriendly. She became a member of the High Card society through the connections she had from her father, a master swordsman. She is often serious and is therefore frustrated by the way Finn and Chris work. She enjoys eating and drinking more than any of the other High Card members. When she drinks, her mood improves, and her coldness is replaced by a sunnier disposition.

She is part of the accounting and clerical staff at Pinochle’s Old Maid branch.

X-Playing Cards: ♠A < Love & Peace >

(Source: TMS, edited)

Voice Actors
Shiraishi, Haruka
Sorrentino, Katia