Chris Redgrave

High Card
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High Card Season 2
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High Card: The Flowers Bloom
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High Card: ♢9 No Mercy
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Member Favorites: 75

Chris Redgrave (クリス・レッドグレイヴ)

Age: 20

Chris Redgrave is a flirty, street-smart man who knows his way around women. He is able to operate any vehicle, including cars, with his unmatched driving skills. He's got a sweet tooth and eats "Fudgees," which are sticks of traditional confectionery fudge. He drinks but has a low alcohol tolerance.

He is a sales representative at Pinochle's Old Maid branch, and becomes Finn's mentor.

X-Playing Cards: ♥5 < Calorie's High >

As ♥5 player, Chris' body requires him to consume a certain amount of sugar as a substitute for the calories used when regenerating the body.

(Source: TMS, edited)

Voice Actors
Masuda, Toshiki
Takeuchi, Emiko
Ippoliti, Giuseppe