Joshua Christopher

Joshua Christopher

Chrno Crusade
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Chrno Crusade
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Member Favorites: 20

Joshua Christopher (ヨシュア・クリストファ)

Birthdate: Sometime in 1909
Age: 15
Family: Parents (both deceased), Rosette Christopher (older sister)
Place of origin: United States
Likes: Exploring
Dislikes: Vegetables
Personality traits: Emotionally unstable, obsessive

Joshua Christopher is Rosette's younger brother and is also the Apostle of Hope in the anime, he holds allegiance to Aion's Sinners. In the manga he is is one of the 7 Apostles, and the first to be found by Aion.

The supernatural powers he had made him a very weak child, who was constantly sick. Tired of being protected by his sister and wanting to be healthy so she didn't have to worry about him, he accepted Aion's offer of becoming stronger and put Chrno's horns on his head. The overwhelming power of the horns made him lose his sanity almost immediately, and he frequently mixes dreams and reality. He constantly thinks about his dear sister Rosette, almost to the point of being obsessed. He can be very dangerous sometimes, so he is guarded by Fiore, who he sometimes confuses with his sister, though his feelings for her seem to go beyond that. He used to be a very noble boy with whose biggest dream was to become an explorer, but now he barely remembers his past, except for his sister.

Voice Actors
Minagawa, Junko
Patton, Chris
Kahnmeyer, Robin
Baráth, István
Mottola, Patrizia
Kang, Su Jin
Caillebot, Rémi
Rigotti, Alessandro
Bösherz, Konrad