Satella "Satera, Hexen Der Juwel, The Jelwery Witch" Harvenheit

Satella Harvenheit

Chrno Crusade
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Chrno Crusade
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Member Favorites: 35

Satella Harvenheit (サテラ・ハーベンハイト)

Birth date: June 10, 1905
Age: 19
Height: 172 cm
Weight: 50 kg
Measurements: B 91 W 60 H 87
Family: Parents (both deceased), Florette Harvenheit (older sister)
Country of origin: Germany
Likes: Young boys
Dislikes: Demons/Devils
Personality traits: Confident and a little arrogant, yet very generous underneath

Background: A jewel witch (or jewel summoner), who works as an independent demon exterminator. She was born in Germany from a very wealthy family and traveled to the U.S. after losing her parents in the hands of a hornless demon, who destroyed her house and kidnapped her only sister 10 years ago. She is very rich and appears to be a little arrogant, but she is actually a kind and lonely woman searching for her dear older sister Florette, her only family member. Her only companion is her family's old butler, Steiner. She has a strong temper and constantly fights with Rosette, yet they're very good friends at heart. Though Satella would never admit it, she really admires Rosette, and is inspired by her determination and attitude towards life. She is attracted to young boys and finds Chrno to be specially cute. She also enjoys teasing Rosette by flirting with Chrno, who really doesn't like it and desperately avoids her, much to her annoyance.

Voice Actors
Grant, Tiffany
Neya, Michiko
Magnaghi, Debora
Nemes Takách, Kata
Lee, Gye Yun
Aust, Andrea
Bouchemaa, Isabelle