Belphegor "Belphie"


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Member Favorites: 174

Belphegor (ベルフェゴール)

Gender: Male
Race: Demon, Former Angel
Birthday: March 11th
Zodiac: Pisces
Likes: Naps
Dislikes: Diavolo

Belphegor is the Avatar of Sloth and is the youngest and 7th sibling among the seven demon brothers.

Belphegor has dark bluish-grey, white-tipped hair with long bangs that cover his right eye, and violet eyes with a pink gradient like his twin Beelzebub. He's among the shortest of brothers, at least compared to Beelzebub. Like all of the demon brothers, Belphegor paints his nails and specifically wears cerulean blue nail polish.

(Source: Obey Me! Wiki)

Voice Actors
Oonishi, Satoshi