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Inutade (イヌタデ)Age: 17Birthday: December 23, 497 Birthplace: Eastern Archipelago Height: 195cm 6'5" BMI: 28 She is a member of Shuro's party. Her real name is Hijouhi. She gets hungry very easily. Compared to her comrades in Shuro's group, she is carefree, friendly, and rather simple-minded. As one of Shuro's retainers, Tade is a fairly capable warrior. When fighting she utilizes her immense strength coupled with her blunt weapon to deal damage to her enemies. All of Shuro's retainers have names related to plants. Inutade (イヌタデ) is a flowering plant in the knotweed family commonly known as Oriental lady's thumb. Her favorite food is white rice. (Source: Delicious in Dungeon Wiki) Voice Actors