Lance Crown

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Mash Burnedead-tachi to School Life
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Member Favorites: 173

Lance Crown (ランス・クラウン)

Birthday: February 3
Height: 178 cm
Alias: Sister Complex
Affiliation: Easton Magic Academy
Occupation: Student

Lance Crown is a first-year student at Easton Magic Academy and one of the main characters of the series.

Lance is a slim, long-legged man with short blue hair, he has two vertical marks running from under his right eye down his full face, he has two accessories an ear piercing in his left ear which takes the shape of a planet that has planetary rings and a necklace locket that contains an image of his younger sister Anna.

Lance wears the usual Easton Magic Academy uniform which consists of a long-sleeved, button-up white shirt, a black robe, and a red tie along with black pants and brown shoes.

(Source: Mashle Wiki)

Voice Actors
Ishikawa, Kaito
Orozco, Alejandro
Viola, Federico
Marot, Tony
Brito, Renato
Portuguese (BR)
Fu, Stephen