Xian Yun "Ye Liang Chen, Xiao Yun, Big Brother, First Brother, DiscipleDimension Traveler 14" Dong Fang

Xian Yun Dong Fang

Wo Jia Da Shixiong Naozi You Keng
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Wo Jia Da Shixiong Shi Ge Fanpai
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Member Favorites: 5

Xian Yun Dong Fang (东方纤云)

The main protagonist of the story. He is the 14th dimension traveler into the story and is fully aware that the world he's in is a story. Thus, he understands that if he was a cannon fodder character, he will not be able to survive for long. In a desperate attempt to survive, he has skilfully dodged every death flag in his path. But because of this weird reluctance of his, everyone else sees his actions as odd and thinks there is a screw lose in his head. Thus saying that there is a pit in his brain.

Voice Actors
Zhang, Jie