Shion Yozakura

Yozakura-san Chi no Daisakusen
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Yozakura-san Chi no Mini Sakusen
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Yozakura-san Chi no Daisakusen
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Member Favorites: 64

Shion Yozakura (夜桜 四怨)

Birthday: April 4
Age: 18; 19
Height: 172cm
Spy Rank: Silver
Combat Style: Hacking

Shion Yozakura is the second daughter and the fourth sibling of the 10th generation of the Yozakura Family.

Shion took her first spy exam at the age of 8. She made her own program that checks all the participants for the exam. This lead to her exposing a great number of unauthorised examinees. This led to 35 people failing due to cheating, a record high. Her program was adopted for official use for the exams.

(Source: Mission: Yozakura Family Wiki)

Voice Actors
Yuuki, Aoi
Yatco, Anne
Hinojosa, Amanda
Saddy, Flávia
Portuguese (BR)