Tooi Kuji

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Member Favorites: 113

Tooi Kuji (久慈 悠)

Age: 14
Birthday: 1 November
Blood type: A
Gender: Male
Eye color: Blue
Hair color: Blue

A delinquent middle school student who is transformed into a kappa alongside Kazuki and Enta. A recent transfer student in Kazuki's class, he sells cannabis for his brother Chikai. He is fine with seeing and participating in criminal activities such as breaking into cars, waterboarding another person and possibly even shooting another human being if necessary. Kuji also has a softer side shown toward his friends and brother. Out of the main trio, Toi seems to be the more mature character, however, he is still childish in ways such as his 'shoot first, ask questions later' type of attitude. He isn't the type to openly admit his feelings or show affection, however, he is seen to be very forgiving and understanding, especially with his close friends and family.

(Source: Wikipedia, Sarazanmai Wiki)

Voice Actors
Uchiyama, Kouki
Fajardo, Ricco
Todd, Haileigh