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Hyung Suk Park (박 형석)Name: Hyung Suk Park (Korean) / Daniel Park (English)Status: Alive Age: 17-18 (korean age),16-17 (international age) Gender: Male Species: Human Nationality: Korean Height: old body-150(before training)-163(after training), new body-177.8 Weight: Unknown Blood type: Unknown Birthday: Unknown Eye color: Black Hair color: Black Relative(s): Seonhui Park (mother), Unamed Father, David (cousin), Dylan (cousin), Sarah (cousin), Affiliation(s): Jaewon High School, Occupation: High School Student, Streamer (former), Convenience store worker (former), Clothing model (former), Idol Trainee (former), Escort (former) Fighting Style: Boxing, Muay Thai, Taekwondo, Wrestling, Systema, Kyokushin Karate, Capoeira, MMA, Aikido, Copying other moves Appearance: First Body In his original body, Daniel is usually bespectacled, and short to the point only Duke Pyeon and Crystal Choi's original body near his height. Daniel is extremely overweight, which is why Logan calls him 'Pikachu'. Daniel's first body is deemed unattractive by most, if not all, the exceptions being Crystal and Zoe. In this body, he's exposed to the true nature of society. Daniel uses this body at night to work part-time at a local mini-mart, which is why it's usually seen in his work uniform. Second Body In his new body, Daniel has no glasses, and he's tall. He has a healthy, athletic build, being incredibly handsome - this being his most notable trait, usually leaving women infatuated and men intimidated. Daniel's good looks make people think he is a famous model, idol, or star (which he eventually becomes) as they go so far as to ask for his autographs and pictures with him, much to his shock. No one has ever been stated to surpass Daniel's good looks, and no one retains the center of attention as he does (albeit unintentionally), as a result, his second body is the most popular student at J High. He uses this body to attend school and it's usually seen in his school uniform, unless elsewhere. Description: Hyung Seok Park is the main protagonist of Lookism. He is a student at Jaewon High School's Fashion Department. Before moving to Jaewon High School, he was bullied due to his looks and for being poor, as such he tried to discreetly ask his mum if he could move schools, but that didn't work due to how much they're expenses would rise. But after his mum witnessed him being bullied and stopping and ridiculing her that they're his friends playing a game, she decides to move him to another school, he then starts to change into a better person. Upon moving, Daniel's dreams of starting anew were quickly shattered by a humiliating defeat at the hands of Zack Lee/Jin Sung Lee, captured on video. With the video going viral, he cried himself to sleep only to awaken the next morning in a completely new body, which he can switch between when he sleeps. Personality: Daniel is a kind person who tries to avoid any conflict at all costs, but due to his looks he was bullied, due to this he let out all his anger at his mother, saying that it's not his fault for not having money, but he cries right after saying how sorry he is for shouting and how pathetic he is, and truly understands how hard his mum works for him, even when he stops her and berates her for trying to help him from his bullies he feels great guilt, after his mum transfers him he decides to be a better person and not burden her again with his two bodies he works with his old one at a convenience store to her for the living expense of two bodies. Daniel is very sympathetic and protective of those mistreated, either because of their lack of strength or because of how unattractive they are, as he can relate to how both feel and is prone to stand up for them. Though it is implied in the Runaway fam arc he is respectful enough to not interfere in other affairs without permission. Lack of self-confidence is often Daniel's biggest hindrance slowing his progress on his goal of trying to be a better person. In some cases, it leads to his being perceived as a pushover who is nothing but a coward. Fortunately, Daniel is constantly inspired by those who diligently work towards their goals, such as Euntae and Duke and is motivated to put more effort into overcoming his struggles to achieve his goals. Due to his lack of social interaction with people around him prior to having his second body, he can be naive, much like Euntae, and is unsure how to act when placed under peer pressure. Likewise, he is easily deceived by perceived kindness. For example, he once accidentally agreed to become a host in a club and escaped the club while drunk. Moreover, he thought that Yui genuinely liked him for who he is while in his second body, but was shocked when she treated him cruelly while he was in his original body. (Source: Lookism Wiki, webtoon) Voice Actors