Jinghua "You Keika" Yang

Jinghua Yang

Ling Qi
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Ling Qi 2
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Member Favorites: 93

Jinghua Yang (杨 敬华)

Date of Birth: December 1, 1993
Age: 23

Yang Jinghua comes from an ancient line of famous exorcists who worked for the emperor in ancient times. Unfortunately, the family business has long since dwindled, and after his parents died when he was young, Jinghua lived a life of poverty, where he worked part time as both a fortune-seller and computers repairman.

On March 28, 2017, during an outing to gather junk parts for those repairs, he encountered Duanmu Xi. He'd seen the man in a car once before, but this time it was close up, and the other man was fighting an evil spirit. At the time, Duanmu Xi was shocked that Jinghua could see the spirit, and soon after that the two parted ways, with Jinghua mostly shrugging the encounter off.

Note: In the Japanese dub, the following names were localized:
Yang Jinghua as 'You Keika'
Yang Ning as 'You Nei'
Duanmi Xi as 'Tanmoku Ki'
Luoyue as 'Rakugetsu'

Voice Actors
Iguchi, Yuuichi
Li, Lanling