Sanya V. Litvyak

Sanya V. Litvyak

Strike Witches OVA
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Strike Witches
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Strike Witches 2
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Strike Witches Movie
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Strike Witches: Operation Victory Arrow
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Brave Witches
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Brave Witches: Petersburg Daisenryaku
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Strike Witches: 501 Butai Hasshin Shimasu!
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Strike Witches: Road to Berlin
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Renmei Kuugun Koukuu Mahou Ongakutai Luminous Witches
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World Witches Hasshin Shimasu!
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Strike Witches: Tenkuu no Otome-tachi
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Strike Witches: Kimi to Tsunagaru Sora
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Strike Witches Gekijouban: Kaeritai Basho
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Strike Witches: Aurora no Majo
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Strike Witches: Kimi to no Kizuna no Katachi
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Strike Witches: CHIi Size
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Strike Witches: Otome no Maki
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Strike Witches: CHIi Sanya
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Strike Witches: Koushiki Comic à la Carte
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Strike Witches: 501 Butai Hasshin shimasu!
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Strike Witches Gekijouban: 501 Butai Hasshin shimasu!
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Strike Witches: Dai-501 Tougou Sentou Koukuudan
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Member Favorites: 388

Sanya V. Litvyak (サーニャ・V・リトヴャク)

Age: 14
Birthday: August 18, 1930
Full name: Aleksandra Vladimirovna Litvyak

The only witch from the Orussian Empire in the 501st Wing, at thirteen years old. Preferring to stay indoors during the day, Sanya has been described as "nocturnal." At times she is literally asleep on her feet, counting on Eila to move her around. Despite this somewhat limiting her contact with the other members of the 501st, her low profile makes her ideal for night missions and sneak attacks. Gains the ears and tail of a black cat with her Striker Unit equipped. Sanya's rank is Flying Officer and her original unit affiliation is the Orussia Imperial Army 586th Fighter Regiment. Her weapon of choice is a modified Fliegerfaust called the "Fliegerhummer." Her Striker Unit design is based on the MiG60 (a fictional warbird combining features of the MiG-1, MiG-3, and Yakovlev Yak-1) and her pilot archetype is Lydia Litvyak.

(Source: Wikipedia)

Voice Actors
Kadowaki, Mai
Forrester, Jennifer