Xerxes "Mad Hatter, Kevin Regnard, Clown, Xarks-nii" Break

Xerxes Break

Pandora Hearts
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Xerxes Break (ザークシーズ=ブレイク)

Birthday: September 30th (Libra)

Break is a member of Pandora and a servant of the Rainsworth household. Break's appearance does not change from the ten year gap between Oz entering and leaving the Abyss. He has a legal contract with the Mad Hatter.

Break is often seen with a doll on his shoulder, which he calls Emily. He adores sweets and cakes. From the outside, Break seems like a carefree character, never serious and always smiling. When needs be, however, Break shows his dangerous and evil side. Reim tells Oz that Break has not always been the way he is now. When Break first lost his eye, he was a bitter and angry person who never smiled. However, through the kindness of Shelly, Sharon's mother, he began to open up. He has sworn absolute loyalty to Shelly.

Voice Actors
Ishida, Akira
Créton, François
Gaul, Christian
Jeon, Tae Yeol
Lacy, Daniel

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