Lafter Frankland

Lafter Frankland

Kidou Senshi Gundam: Tekketsu no Orphans
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Kidou Senshi Gundam: Tekketsu no Orphans 2nd Season
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Member Favorites: 88

Lafter Frankland (ラフタ・フランクランド)

She is the member of Teiwaz. She is usually quite cheerful, outgoing, and a little childish. As a pilot, she can display a playful but ruthless streak, toy with her enemies before finishing them off. Like most of the Turbine members, She acts as a mentor/big sister for the young members of Tekkadan.

Lafter is an excellent pilot, able to keep up with Tekkadan pilots even without the use of Alaya-Vijnana system. Lafter shares a close and friendly relationship with her partner Azee in all things including the battle where both tend to fight together in sync to completely overwhelm their foes.

STH-14s Hyakuri
STH-05R Rouei
STH-16 Shiden
STH-20 Hekija

Voice Actors
Hikasa, Youko
Valenzuela, Cristina

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