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Kumiko Oumae (黄前 久美子)Height: 162 cmBirthday: August 21 Zodiac: Leo Blood type: A Instrument: Euphonium Kumiko enrolled in Kitauji High School to wear the sailor uniforms she liked and to get a fresh start. Though she was doubtful, she decided to join the concert band club and continue playing the euphonium. She has a habit of immediately saying what she's thinking and changes her mind easily. She had a falling-out with Reina in middle school. (Source: ANN) Voice Actors
Recent Featured Articles![]() Anime Runners: How Anime Characters Run
Many anime are full of action, and action means combat, drama, and… running. Lots and lots of running. Let these anime running gifs lead the way into the incredible world of running away and towards things in anime. It's more exciting than you think!
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