Minoru "Grape Juice" Mineta

Minoru Mineta

Boku no Hero Academia
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Boku no Hero Academia 2nd Season
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Boku no Hero Academia: Sukue! Kyuujo Kunren!
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Boku no Hero Academia: Training of the Dead
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Boku no Hero Academia 3rd Season
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Boku no Hero Academia the Movie 1: Futari no Hero
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Boku no Hero Academia 4th Season
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Boku no Hero Academia the Movie 2: Heroes:Rising
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Boku no Hero Academia 5th Season
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Boku no Hero Academia the Movie 3: World Heroes' Mission
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Boku no Hero Academia 6th Season
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Boku no Hero Academia (ONA)
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Boku no Hero Academia 7th Season
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Boku no Hero Academia the Movie 4: You're Next
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Boku no Hero Academia: UA Heroes Battle
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Boku no Hero Academia
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Boku no Hero Academia Smash!
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Member Favorites: 497

Minoru Mineta (峰田 実)

Age: 15
Birthday: October 8
Height: 108 cm (3'6")
Affiliation: U.A.
Quirk: Pop Off

A lecherous student in class 1-A who frequently makes lewd remarks and colored jokes. Mineta possesses "Pop Off" a Quirk that grows strongly-adhesive and detachable hairballs from his head. Mineta himself is immune to their adhesive effects and able to trampoline on them as they are also extremely elastic.

(Source: Wikipedia, edited)

Voice Actors
Hirohashi, Ryou
Palencia, Brina
Nonnenmacher, Marie
Brandt, Esther
Longo, Annalisa
Chesman, Yuri
Portuguese (BR)
Martiñón, Isabel
Minei, Alex
Portuguese (BR)
Ambrós, Carmen
Berkes, Bence
Barros, Paula Andrea

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