K. K.

Kekkai Sensen
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Kekkai Sensen: Ousama no Restaurant no Ousama
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Kekkai Sensen: Back 2 Back
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Kekkai Sensen: Beat 3 Peat
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Member Favorites: 26

K. K. (K・K)

A lively and confident Libra member who sports an eye patch. She is very devoted to her two sons, but especially the youngest, Kane.

Typically cheerful, K.K. cares deeply for her comrades, husband & sons, whom she treasures above all else.

K.K. seems to have a slight complex about her age and figure, and openly dislikes being around Steven, whom she refers to as 'Scarface'. She shares a much closer relationship to Klaus, whom she describes as a perfect gentleman and the leader of her organization.

954 Blood Bullet Art (954 血弾格闘技 / ブラッドブレットアーツ) is her fighting style that uses high-power guns that converts her blood to electricity to electrocute enemies.

(Source: Blood Blockade Battlefront - Kekkai Sensen Wiki)

Voice Actors
Orikasa, Ai
Young, Stephanie
Marquitan, Christin
Benassi, Veridiana
Portuguese (BR)
Bonneau, Elisabeth
Rodríguez, Adriana