Yukihito Yashiro

Yukihito Yashiro

Skip Beat!
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Skip Beat!
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Member Favorites: 98

Yukihito Yashiro (社 倖一)

He is Ren's persistent manager. When first seen he is serious and all about work, later on we see that he is actually not that serious and is used for comic relief. At first when he met Kyouko he didn't seem to like her much; however, as he begins to see Ren's love for her, Yashiro shows his support. He even goes to the extent as to try to get Ren and Kyouko alone together so Ren can make a move. He must use latex gloves when handling any electronics, including his own cell phone, because any electronic device that he touches directly will soon be rendered broken and useless. In particular, he has mentioned that a cell phone will die after about 10 seconds of direct exposure to his skin. (On at least one occasion, Yashiro attempted to coerce Ren into telling him a secret of sorts by holding Ren's own cell phone, which contains many online dictionaries that Ren uses to understand some less familiar words in scripts, in his bare hand.) Kyouko has theorized that Yashiro naturally transmits strong electric waves. He seems to be an extremely dedicated manager, as he has much, if not all, of Ren's schedule planned out about one year in advance. (Kyouko learns this when she briefly took over for him as Ren's manager when he was too ill to work.) In an extra strip in volume 11, it is revealed that the main reason Ren has never been late to a job, despite the crowds of fans that appear nearly everywhere he goes and clearly wish to mob him, is that Yashiro can be pretty dang scary when it comes to his charge, and can stop even the most fervid fans in their tracks with a mere cold glance.

(Source: Wikipedia)

Voice Actors
Kawanago, Masahito
Mignogna, Vic
Maïnö, Michaël
Jacobo, Jorge
Mattos, Marcio
Portuguese (BR)

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