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Aldnoah.Zero Part 2
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Aldnoah.Zero (Re+)
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Aldnoah.Zero Anthology Comic
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Aldnoah.Zero Gaiden: Twin Gemini
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Member Favorites: 15

Eddelrittuo (エデルリッゾ)

Age: 12 (14 in 2nd cour)
Height: 134 cm
Birthday: May 23
Sign: Gemini

A young Martian girl who serves Princess Asseylum as her loyal maid. Eddelrittuo is a proud and somewhat childish young girl. She is extremely respectful of Princess Asseylum and seems to harbor some of the negative preconceptions that Martians have of the people of the Earth. Eddelrittuo is usually quite concerned about her well being. Eddelrittuo gets annoyed when people do not refer to her properly and haughtily attempts to correct them. Her attitude towards the humans of Earth gradually softens.
Eddelrittuo is a highly skilled driver, even though she is underage. She also claims to be able to pilot a Kataphrakt competently.

Voice Actors
Fox, Sandy
Minase, Inori
Uhlig, Charlotte

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20 Grim Quotes from Aldnoah.Zero

20 Grim Quotes from Aldnoah.Zero

Aldnoah.Zero is about teenagers piloting big robots to save the world, but also about war, why people fight, and how that changes them. Each character has unique motivations, like dreams to chase or nightmares to escape from. Here are 20 fascinating and grim quotes from the series. Enjoy!

by Darksaber11