Shirotsugh "Shiro" Lhadatt

Shirotsugh Lhadatt

Ouritsu Uchuugun: Honneamise no Tsubasa
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How Electronic Musicians Showed Love For Anime!

How Electronic Musicians Showed Love For Anime!

Electronic musicians are no strangers to anime. In fact, they've contributed significantly and enriched the medium in many ways. Let's discover why anime and electronic music have such a harmonious relationship.

by MisterD98


Top 15 Best Flying Anime: Take to the Skies!

Top 15 Best Flying Anime: Take to the Skies!

Fans around the world love anime for tons of different reasons. One in particular is that it allows them to experience things that exceed their own reality. If characters can fly, so can we... right? Get ready to take to the skies and expose 15 shows that will make your imagination soar!

by MisterD98