
Galaxy Angel
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Galaxy Angel Z
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Galaxy Angel 3
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Galaxy Angel 3 Specials
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Galaxy Angel 4
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Galaxy Angel Music Collection: Shouen to Shien no Cassoulet
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Galaxy Angel S
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Galaxy Angel Specials
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Galaxy Angel
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Galaxy Angel 2nd
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Galaxy Angel 3rd
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Galaxy Angel Parody
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Member Favorites: 6

Normad (ノーマッド)

An AI recovered from a missile that was floating in space. He never completed his mission because he didn't want to die, which is what would have happened if his warhead detonated. He is later placed into a stuffed animal vaguely resembling a round, pink cat/penguin. Normad usually has endless praise for Vanilla (despite her on-and-off nonchalant abandonment and abuse towards him) but has cynical views toward the rest of the Angel Team, especially Milfuelle, whom he calls a dimwit, and Forte, who returns the favor and routinely shoots him. Aside from occasional descriptive information he supplies, he mainly provides comic relief due to his inability to avoid injury. His name might have been inspired by NORAD, which warns against attacks by missiles, corresponding to his original role. Normad's voice is performed by Mika Kanai (Vanilla). As for the English dub, he is portrayed by Richard Ian Cox. In the first manga, Normad's body can be seen in chapter 2.

Voice Actors
Kanai, Mika
Cox, Richard Ian
Castro, Júlia
Portuguese (BR)