Trowa "No-Name" Barton

Trowa Barton

Shin Kidou Senki Gundam Wing
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Shin Kidou Senki Gundam Wing: Endless Waltz
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Shin Kidou Senki Gundam Wing: Endless Waltz Tokubetsu-hen
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Shin Kidou Senki Gundam Wing: Operation Meteor
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Shin Kidou Senki Gundam Wing
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Shin Kidou Senki Gundam Wing: Episode Zero
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Shin Kidou Senki Gundam Wing: Endless Waltz
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Shin Kidou Senki Gundam Wing: Battlefield of Pacifists
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Shin Kidou Senki Gundam Wing: Blind Target
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Shin Kidou Senki Gundam Wing: Ground Zero
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Shin Kidou Senki Gundam Wing: Endless Waltz - Haisha-tachi no Eikou
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Shin Kidou Senki Gundam Wing: Frozen Teardrop
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Gundam EXA
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Shin Kidou Senki Gundam Wing
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Shin Kidou Senki Gundam Wing: Endless Waltz
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Member Favorites: 230

Trowa Barton (トロワ・バートン)

Age: 15 (TV) / 16 (OVA) / 36 - 46 (Frozen Teardrop)
Gender: Male
Ethnic origin: Unknown
Place of origin: L3 colony (Russian)
Height: 160 cm
Weight: 44 kg
Eye color: Dark green
Hair color: Brown
Affiliation: The Gundam Pilots
Occupation: Circus Performer
Mobile Suits: XXXG-01H Gundam Heavyarms, OZ-13MSX1 Vayeate, XXXG-01H2 Gundam Heavyarms Kai (TV), XXXG-01H2 Gundam Heavyarms Kai (EW)

The pilot of the gun-toting Gundam Heavyarms, the boy who calls himself Trowa is the most mysterious of the Gundam pilots. Calm, cool, and detached, he seldom speaks and never smiles. Trowa falls in with a traveling circus troupe as cover for his terrorist mission, finding employment as the world's most dispassionate clown. Trowa is a gifted and fearless acrobat, and these abilities also prove useful in his alternate occupation as a Gundam pilot.

Despite his youth, Trowa is an experienced professional soldier. His preferred combat tactic is to stand his ground and spray the battlefield with an endless hail of bullets, though every now and then he'll dispatch an enemy with his acrobatic trademark move - a mid-air triple spin, ending in a deadly knife slash.

In Frozen Teardrop

Voice Actors
Morrow, Kirby
Nakahara, Shigeru
Di Benedetto, Massimo
Bezerra, Wendel
Portuguese (BR)
Billi, Stefano
Borowski, Rasmus
Bretonnière, Marc
Jankovic, Olivier
Valverde, Mauricio

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Mobile Suit Gundam Wing: The Gundams and Their Pilots

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