Alka "Swallowtail Butterfly, Aruka"


Blade & Soul
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Classes and Races - Blade and Soul

Classes and Races - Blade and Soul

Blade & Soul is a martial arts MMO that's about to make its move to NA and EU. Have a look at the classes and races you'll be able to choose from, and the characters that appear in the anime!
The Art of Blade & Soul

The Art of Blade & Soul

Blade & Soul combines different influences into its art style, producing a unique and timeless fantasy universe. Keep on reading to learn more!
The Sex Appeal of Outfits in the Blade & Soul Game and Anime

The Sex Appeal of Outfits in the Blade & Soul Game and Anime

Blade & Soul is an anime and a video game with beautiful women (and men) in sexy outfits. The distinct fashion styles of each are incredibly unique and will definitely take your breath away! So let's take a quick look at the differences and similarities between both the series and the game.
The Weapon of Emotion in Blade & Soul

The Weapon of Emotion in Blade & Soul

As a game and as an animated series, Blade & Soul places a great amount of emphasis on weaponry. The game focuses on combat, but the anime takes a deeper look at violence and the emotional damage a weapon can cause.
The Force Masters in Blade & Soul is Silent but Deadly

The Force Masters in Blade & Soul is Silent but Deadly

Revenge truly comes alive in Blade & Soul. This world of assassins and master fighters is headlined by Alka who is out to avenge her master's death. The Force Masters are a special breed of warriors who channel their Chi to strike deadly blows on their opponents.
Blade & Soul: Notable Armor and Weapons From the Show

Blade & Soul: Notable Armor and Weapons From the Show

Being an anime adaptation of an MMORPG, Blade and Soul contains many different types of weaponry and armor. However, certain clans along with the protagonist and antagonists of the show all possess equipment that is clearly more powerful and significant to the story.

by Verius


Blade and Soul: Revenge by Class

Blade and Soul: Revenge by Class

Blade and Soul follows a story of revenge. This particular story, however, does something that very few other tales of its type try to do. It explores the idea of revenge and lays out the value of taking someone's life as compensation for the death of another.