Dec 7, 2024
I never understood how Headmasters toys from the 80’s made sense or what they were, so I was curious to find out.
But... I found the anime Transformers: The Headmasters quite boring first couple of episodes, unlike the underrated Transformers: Super-God Masterforce that I actually saw before this one. However, something told me not to give up on The Headmaster and during and after the double header Cybertron Is in Grave Danger, Part 1 and 2 (episode 9 and 10), where major changes takes place, the anime picks up!
Episode 11 was really crazy!
Another highlight episode is 15, where Scorponok appears! He was every Transformers
fans' wish back around 1989 and I'm glad to say he looks and feels just like the toy itself; that is not to be taken for granted when action figures appears in cartoons. He cecomes the new base for the evil Decepticons.
A couple of quite cool episodes follow, where Scorponok in his scorpion form acts like a space vessel that the Decepticons (here still led by Galvatron) use from planet to planet looking for energy deposits, which is needed to transform back and forth. On their trail through space are the Autobots, travellng in their Fortress;
for example ep 19 (with the war of planet Beehive) and ep 22 that both became two of my favourite episodes.
And WHY exactly are the Decepticons gatherring all this energy? The Autobots are speculating and it's quite exciting actually.
But it was back to more stale and boring again from ep 24 and on, once The Decepticons reach their home world Charr again.
It gets a bit more exiting again once Scorponok is hiding underground and Decepticons begin trying to find the secret of Fortress Maximus' Master Sword and how to extract the G-metal that the sword is composed of, but the show never becomes as good again as it is around ep 11-23.
The final two parter (ep 34-35) with the final showdown on Earth is quite good too.
This show also helps introduce sub groups such as Duocons, Horrorcons and even Targetmasters!
I don't know man, at times I found The Headmasters a bit hard to follow and hard to understand - which I didn't with the sequel series Transformers: Super-God Masterforce.
However, I love the ending theme to this anime so much! The opening theme also has charm. You know what, I think that the music might the the best part about this show!
Oh, and remember Battle Beasts? This is the Transformers show that introduced them. It happens in ep 5, and that was their 15 min of fame. However, there is a short performance by an elderly Battle Beasts in ep 21 as well.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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