Apr 5, 2023
"Ninja Scroll" is a classic of Japanese animation that delivers an incredible and thrilling action movie. The story follows the ninja Jubei Kibagami, who is hired to protect a village from the evil Eight Devils of Kimon. Along the way, he joins forces with the mysterious Kagero, a ninja whose touch can be fatal due to a deadly poison she carries.
One of the most impressive things about "Ninja Scroll" is the animation. The illustrator's strokes are sharp and defined, with an attention to detail that is impressive. Each character is distinctly different, with fluid and realistic movements. The action scenes are particularly spectacular, with intense
and bloody fights that are a delight to the eyes of action anime fans.
The plot of "Ninja Scroll" is equally impressive, offering a story full of twists and excitement. The story unfolds in a captivating way, with the threat of the Eight Devils of Kimon growing with each scene. Jubei and Kagero are incredible characters, with deep backstories that make them even more interesting to watch.
And when it comes to emotion, "Ninja Scroll" does not disappoint. The movie is full of intense and exciting moments, which keep the viewer glued to the screen from beginning to end. The action scenes are so impactful that they make you hold your breath, and the plot is so engaging that you find yourself rooting for the heroes and fearing for the villains.
In summary, "Ninja Scroll" is a thrilling anime movie, with intense animations, incredible action scenes, and an engaging plot. If you're a fan of action anime, you definitely should watch this timeless classic.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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