Jul 26, 2021
"Shikoyaka Naru Toki mo Hameru Toki mo" is composed of four different stories, each with their own quirky cast, making each section a quick watch. However, the animation quality is a bit lackluster compared to other projects out there, which can detract from the overall experience.
Regarding episode 1, it's a bit of a mess. For starters, the art quality is a little bit under average as there are a couple instances where body proportions were an issue, but in the end were not that distracting. The real problem is that many of the cuts are very stiff and repetitive, almost making me want to
skip to the next section. Because of the lack of energy of many of the scenes, it makes character interactions unconvincing and unenjoyable. If I were to rate this episode alone, it would be a 4/10. Ultimately, there are better ones, like episode 2.
Personally, I find that episode 2 is where "Shikoyaka Naru Toki mo Hameru Toki mo" shines. The personalities and character interactions are very unique and overall feels more dynamic than the previous episode. While it still suffers the same issue with extended runtime of certain cuts, episode 2 gets way with it because of its unique cast. Rating this episode alone would warrant a 7/10 from me, but because of episode 1, my overall score is a 5/10.
So, while certainly not the best and blemished with a couple of issues, "Shikoyaka Naru Toki mo Hameru Toki mo" is pretty decent for what it is trying to accomplish.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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