Jul 24, 2013
This is one of those hentai titles that you watch and wonder just who thought it was a good idea to make it. This is a bad hentai. The story blows, the characters are one-dimensional and boring, the anime is cheap and bad and the hentai content is boring and poorly done. I can think of no good reason to watch this title.
So lets talk story... a sex demon appears at a school and makes people have sex... church sends someone to investigate... somehow demon is banished, the end. There is very little in the way of character development and
you never really know enough about anyone to actually give a damn for them. The flow of the story is just boring and fairly uneventful... even the parts that are supposed to be action scenes are lifeless. Whoever wrote it just did not try.
People watch hentai for the H content, and if that part of it sucks, then what is the point. In this case the H content is just bad, boring, cheaply done and a total waste of time. There is not a whole lot of H to begin with in this series and what there is of it was so badly done that it was almost pointless to include it.
So, for the art and sound... The voice acting was lame and boring... the sound effects were cheap and annoying... the animation was extremely cheap, using tons of still frames and choppy low-quality animation overall. The only possible good thing I can say is that this title is available uncensored, but the quality of the animation makes that a moot point.
My conclusion... pass on this title, there are tons of better anime and hentai out there, and this one has neither a compelling story nor good H content.
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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