One Punch Man Specials

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Alternative Titles

Japanese: ワンパンマン
English: One Punch Man Specials
Spanish: One Punch Man: Ovas
More titles


Type: Special
Episodes: 6
Status: Finished Airing
Aired: Dec 24, 2015 to May 27, 2016
Producers: None found, add some
Licensors: VIZ Media
Studios: Madhouse
Source: Web manga
Genres: ActionAction, ComedyComedy
Themes: Adult CastAdult Cast, ParodyParody, Super PowerSuper Power
Demographic: SeinenSeinen
Duration: 12 min. per ep.
Rating: R - 17+ (violence & profanity)


Score: 7.701 (scored by 186749186,749 users)
1 indicates a weighted score.
Ranked: #13072
2 based on the top anime page. Please note that 'Not yet aired' and 'R18+' titles are excluded.
Popularity: #773
Members: 334,515
Favorites: 475

Available At


New Interest Stack

Interest Stacks

Animeby User-Name

A comprehensive watch order of the One Punch Man series, which includes every entry of the One Punch Man franchise.
Original Guide:

AEGC Interest Stack index:

6 Entries · May 19, 2022 2:47 AM


Animeby nrhkm

A comprehensive watch order of the One Punch Man series, which includes every entry in the One Punch Man franchise.

This guide is fully maintained, retouched, reorganized and updated by yours truly.

All other published "Series Guides" by me that might interest you:


1. One Punch Man
TV - 12 x 24 minute long episodes. R - 17+ rated.
First season of the series.

1-1. One Punch Man Specials
Special - 6 x 12 minute long episodes. R - 17+ rated.
Anime-exclusive specials included in the Blu-ray and DVD releases of One Punch Man that takes place in-between the events of the first season.

1-2. One Punch Man: Road to Hero
OVA - 1 x 24 minute long episode. R - 17+ rated.
Anime-exclusive story prior to the events of the first season delivered in a "flashback", bundled with the manga's 10th volume.


2-0. One Punch Man 2nd Season Commemorative Special
Special - 1 x 20 minute long episode. R - 17+ rated.
Recaps the events of the first season.

2. One Punch Man 2nd Season
TV - 12 x 23 minute long episodes. R - 17+ rated.
Second season of the series.

2-2. One Punch Man 2nd Season Specials
Special - 6 x 12 minute long episodes. R - 17+ rated.
Specials included in the Blu-ray and DVD releases of One Punch Man 2nd Season that takes place in-between the events of the second season.

2-3. Go! Saitama
ONA - 1 x 1 minute long episode. PG-13 rated.
Audioless comedic original short animated and released on Twitter by the manga's illustrator.


3. One Punch Man 3
TV - ? x ? minute long episodes. R - 17+ rated.
Not yet aired. Third season of the series.


*For those who pursue the route of watching episodes in hardcore chronological order:

1. S1 - Ep 1
2. S1 - Ep 2
3. S1 Special - Ep 1
4. S1 - Ep 3
5. S1 Special - Ep 2
6. S1 - Ep 4
7. S1 - Ep 5
8. S1 Special - Ep 3
9. S1 - Ep 6
10. S1 - Ep 7
11. S1 Special - Ep 4
12. S1 - Ep 8
13. S1 - Ep 9
14. S1 Special - Ep 5
15. S1 - Ep 10
16. S1 - Ep 11
17. S1 - Ep 12
18. S1 Special - Ep 6
19. OVA 1
20. Commemorative Special (optional)

21. S2 Special - Ep 1
22. S2 Special - Ep 2
23. S2 - Ep 1
24. S2 - Ep 2
25. S2 Special - Ep 3
26. S2 Special - Ep 4
27. S2 - Ep 3
28. S2 Special - Ep 5
29. S2 - Ep 4
30. S2 - Ep 5
31. S2 - Ep 6
32. S2 - Ep 7
33. S2 - Ep 8
34. S2 - Ep 9
35. S2 - Ep 10
36. S2 - Ep 11
37. S2 - Ep 12
38. S2 Special - Ep 6
39. ONA Short (optional)

40. S3 - TBA


Resources used:

Special thanks and credits to:

8 Entries · Feb 10, 2024 2:12 AM


17 Entries · Mar 18, 2023 9:07 PM


Animeby ooReiko

Collection of series that feature Ondo songs as a theme songs or as part of the series.

50 Entries · May 23, 2023 10:54 PM


Animeby mih2009

M-am jurat că nu mai iau nimic în serios
Viaţa mea-i o comedie tristă de când am fost scos
Lumea crede încă-n mine-ncerc să mă iau după ei
Să-i ajung din urmă să le zic Bă nu e ok

Nu sufăr pe piese că nu-s sado-masochist
Nu sug pule prin cancan să-mi zice lumea artrist
Dansez în aplauze ca scăpat din lesă
Încă de-abia aştept să scriu şi eu prima piesă

Beau într-una să mă fac înţeles
Oricât ar fi destinul de destin tot eu l-am ales
Intru-n filmul altora le dau scenariu perfect
Acela că şi eu eram prost dacă nu eram deştept

Ia zi te-am surprins acum sau vrei să mai vorbim
Câte surprize pot să fac n-a văzut Andreea Marin
Materialul vostru poate sta pe locul 1
Hai că mai vorbim frate când ne scoatem noi albumu

Refren x2:
În fiecare zi câte un păcat capital încape
Ne trezim din somn da în veci la realitate
De rap nu se mai aude de-aia-i nemaipomenit
Suntem prezenţi am venit da nu avem venit

Fac fac fac fac ce vrea pula mea când pula mea am chef
Dacă vreau îs MC dacă vreau îs pădurar şef
Dacă vreau vânez stele poate nu da poate da
Mă bucur nu ne-nghite lumea că s-ar îneca

Noaptea spart de la alcool ziua mental harcea parcea
Mă cutremur de la gânduri creieru meu îi din Vrancea
Aia este ce poveste dă-l în pula mea de trend
Mai tot timpu lemn poate de-aia nu îs la curent

Boschetar împart canalu cu Ţestoasele Ningea
Zici că-s hacker când mă-mbăt că sparg tot aicea
Singuru meu mare scop pe acest pământ
Îi s-ajung la lacrimi doar în cazu-n care râd

Nu îs pus pe combinaţii curenta-m-ar betoniera
Să m-arunce popa-n mormânt cu mişcări de Capoiera
Mesaju meu îi calumea asculta-m-ar enteru
Nu bag cod de bune maniere să trec Levelu

Refren x2:
În fiecare zi câte un păcat capital încape
Ne trezim din somn da în veci la realitate
De rap nu se mai aude de-aia-i nemaipomenit
Suntem prezenţi am venit da nu avem venit

5 Entries · Jun 24, 2023 10:30 AM


Animeby locosmundo

7 Entries · Sep 18, 2023 7:05 PM


Animeby lupeco98

Anime that have similar characteristics or that resemble American superhero comics or that are influenced by Tokusatsu shows.

40 Entries · May 3, 2024 2:46 AM


from the animelon 'about' page:

"Learning a language can be difficult; often times it is boring and tedious, so we want to help the language learning community by providing a more entertaining and engaging way to learn. The idea of Animelon is to provide interactive tools that assist users in learning Japanese as they watch anime. If you love watching anime, why not make more out of the time spent?"

this is part of a series of stacks on the japanese-language-learning-focused anime streaming site animelon. the anime are listed first in order of difficulty ranking according to JPDB, from the easiest (level 1) to the most difficult (level 10), and then by MAL members of the earliest season listed. I will include include all seasons, entries etc. that are available on animelon, with notes that include information on other series entries.



Cory in the House (2007)

( AJATT / all japanese all the time / language learning / japanese language / matt vs japan / polyglot / self-study / JLPT / steven krashen / anki / jpdb / immersion / self-selected reading / second-language acquisition / free voluntary reading / comprehensible input / nihongo / 日本語 / 勉強 / 自習 )

31 Entries · Jul 8, 2024 2:19 AM


Animeby bgizzle

41 Entries · Jun 17, 2024 12:05 AM


Animeby Watch-Guide

Hi, I'm Oedon And This Is My Secondary Account (Watch-Guide) For Watch Guides!
You Can Spot Me When You See The [W] Mark.
In My Watch Guides I Usually Don't Count Shorts, Recaps, Music Videos etc... Only The Main Show/Films And The Worthy Side Content.
And This Is A Watch Guide For...

-------------------------------------- 《 One Punch Man 》 ----------------------------------------

6 Entries · Feb 4, 10:56 AM


Animeby Earniebert

These are the best anime specials in my opinion.

32 Entries · Jul 6, 2024 12:40 PM


Animeby ellps

any cat appearance :3

part I:
part II:
part III:
part IV:
part V:

(˚ˎ 。7

21 Entries · Aug 29, 2024 8:43 PM


Anime with a high number of Openings and/or Endings!

46 Entries · Oct 8, 2024 10:15 AM