Hana no Mahoutsukai Mary Bell

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Alternative Titles

Synonyms: Floral Magician Mary Bell, Hana no Mahou Tsukai Maribell, Floral Elf Mary Bell, Flower Witch Marybell
Japanese: 花の魔法使いマリーベル


Type: TV
Episodes: 50
Status: Finished Airing
Aired: Feb 3, 1992 to Jan 18, 1993
Premiered: Winter 1992
Broadcast: Mondays at 18:00 (JST)
Producers: Big West, TV Setouchi
Licensors: None found, add some
Studios: Ashi Productions
Source: Original
Genres: AdventureAdventure, FantasyFantasy
Duration: 23 min. per ep.
Rating: G - All Ages


Score: 6.621 (scored by 12801,280 users)
1 indicates a weighted score.
Ranked: #63912
2 based on the top anime page. Please note that 'Not yet aired' and 'R18+' titles are excluded.
Popularity: #9830
Members: 3,802
Favorites: 11

Available At


New Interest Stack

Interest Stacks

Animeby ooReiko

Reverse isekai MC, Mahou Shoujo slice of life series.

50 Entries · Jul 9, 2024 9:25 AM


Animeby Ruvikko

Based on the popular magical girl inphographic guide https://i.imgur.com/vFQ3vaZ.jpeg with notes attached to each entry

This is split into 2 Categories:
B. (starts with Utena) I've only seen Madoka Magica and I want to learn more about the genre, but idk if I'm ready for kids' shows.
If at the end you're ready to explore the mahou shoujo genre in full force, jump to Category A.

A. (starts with Precure) I like cute stuff and the magical girls aesthetic, and I can actually handle stuff aimed at little girls.
If at the end this isn't enough for you, congrats, you're into mahou shoujo and you should start doing your own research.

48 Entries · May 16, 2022 8:44 AM


Animeby GRozek

Anime series that aired on a Polish TV channel Polonia1 around 1994

20 Entries · May 24, 2022 11:38 PM


Animeby mr_sandman

A list of magical girl shows released between 1966 and 1998. Made using this awesome tumblr post: https://chiibinomonodamon.tumblr.com/post/99031991319/there-you-go-every-fcking-magical-girl-from

50 Entries · Jun 2, 2022 7:33 PM


Animeby krmnnn

Anime aired in Spain's TV channels (public or private), listed with the Spanish title. Might be missing some or be messy.: I wanted to add the most important stuff but also the less obvious. Excluding most sequels & movies.

IMPORTANT: Check part 1, 2, 3 and 5 + OVA.


ES: Anime emitido en los canales públicos o privados de la televisión de España, con sus títulos en español. Pueden faltar algunos animes o estar desordenados: he querido añadir lo más importante pero también lo menos obvio. Excluyendo películas y secuelas.

IMPORTANTE: Ver parte 1, 2, 3 y 5 + OVA.

key words: canal sur, animax, k3, tve, neox, clan, tele5, jetix, buzz, boomerang, tvc, cuatro, lasexta, antena 3, cartoon network, castilla la mancha tv, televisió de catalunya, canal plus, autonómica, local, canal 9, locomotion.

part 1: https://myanimelist.net/stacks/7348
part 2: https://myanimelist.net/stacks/7353
part 3: https://myanimelist.net/stacks/7361
part 5: https://myanimelist.net/stacks/8140
OVA: https://myanimelist.net/stacks/8137

47 Entries · Jan 7, 2023 3:19 AM


Animeby CorrectorYui

Compiling older magical girl in case anybody wants to do a deep dive into the genre. Anything before 2000.

47 Entries · Jan 24, 6:38 PM


Animeby GonXalo

animes where the protagonist lives for centuries or even millennia, or who are immortal.

43 Entries · Oct 14, 2023 6:46 AM


Animeby primagi

1-3 - https://myanimelist.net/stacks/14457
4-5 - https://myanimelist.net/stacks/14459
6-7 - https://myanimelist.net/stacks/14693
8-9 - https://myanimelist.net/stacks/14694
10 - https://myanimelist.net/stacks/14695 <= YOU ARE HERE

for shows with less than 4,000 members

25 Entries · May 31, 2024 3:07 AM


Animeby Hinozall

Using this [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dLZYtFRoMGQ | Magical Girls Timeline 1966-2020] as reference for this stack, I made it in hopes it might help people who are into this genre find anime they haven't watched/didn't know existed yet.. or really just people who'd like to get into something new.

There are 4-5 anime I haven't included simply because they're ecchi and I really wanna try to keep this, well, non-ecchi.

Part 2 here: https://myanimelist.net/stacks/15925

50 Entries · Mar 2, 7:16 AM


Animeby sicknd444

unpopular mahou shoujou series

47 Entries · May 12, 2024 9:33 AM


Based on Captain-Nisaka's video "Evolution of shoujo animes - 1966-2021 (COMPLET)" - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AmrW6NNvnDc

other parts
part 1 - https://myanimelist.net/stacks/28829
part 3 - https://myanimelist.net/stacks/28836
part 4 - https://myanimelist.net/stacks/28839

50 Entries · May 13, 2023 2:33 PM


Includes all* anime on the Anime+/GRAPH mahou shoujo/magical girl achievement list

If the anime is saved under a different name in the original list (and the ID matches), the listed title is added as a comment. The anime will keep its place according to the list - even if it will no longer be alphabetically correct according to its main title on MAL. This is to make the job of checking and updating these much easier for me.

*The main stacks do NOT include hentai. This is both for people who want to avoid it, and because including it will significantly limit the stack. Please proceed to the Hentai Edition™ in the list below if you're into that.

★ Club - https://myanimelist.net/clubs.php?cid=67199
★ Original list - https://github.com/anime-plus/graph/blob/main/data/achievement/anime-mahou-shoujo.json
★ Watch order guides (you're gonna need them...) - https://chiaki.site/?/tools/watch_order

The whole series:
★ Part 01 - https://myanimelist.net/stacks/31473
★ Part 02 - https://myanimelist.net/stacks/31474
★ Part 03 - https://myanimelist.net/stacks/31475
★ Part 04 - https://myanimelist.net/stacks/31476 <== you are here
★ Part 05 - https://myanimelist.net/stacks/31477
★ Part 06 - https://myanimelist.net/stacks/31478
★ Part 07 - https://myanimelist.net/stacks/31479
★ Part 08 - https://myanimelist.net/stacks/31480
★ Part 09 - https://myanimelist.net/stacks/31481
★ Part 10 - https://myanimelist.net/stacks/31482
★ Part 11 - https://myanimelist.net/stacks/31483
★ Part 12 - https://myanimelist.net/stacks/31484
★ Part 13 - https://myanimelist.net/stacks/31485
★ Part 14 - https://myanimelist.net/stacks/31486
★ Hentai Edition for a) serious completionists and b) horny people - https://myanimelist.net/stacks/31496
★ Manga version - coming soon

Last updated: July 03, 2023
Feel free to let me know if something has been added and I haven't updated in a while, or if I've made a mistake somewhere! <3

50 Entries · Jul 3, 2023 3:41 PM


Animeby elchie

Once upon a time, before KPI and censorship strikes, these are the list of anime that ever aired on Indonesian TV.

I'm compiling the list from all around the Internet and some from collective memory.
If you remembered anything wrong or missing from this stack, please message me.
Sequels are not listed here.

Since only 50 can be listed as a stack, this will be separated into several part.
Part 1: https://myanimelist.net/stacks/35256
Part 2: https://myanimelist.net/stacks/35344
Part 3: https://myanimelist.net/stacks/35464
Part 4: https://myanimelist.net/stacks/35767
Part 5: https://myanimelist.net/stacks/35768
Part 6: https://myanimelist.net/stacks/35779

This list only includes anime aired on Spacetoon.

*Work in progress.
**Data from TVRI is very scarce, if you have more info about anime that ever aired especially in the 1980's, please message me.

36 Entries · Sep 25, 2023 4:04 AM


Animeby ooReiko

Collection of series with coherent moral presentation and friendly atmosphere for the audience sometimes tackling more heavy topics or conflict.

50 Entries · Oct 15, 2023 3:38 AM


Animeby jooooT_T

50 Entries · Mar 4, 2024 9:22 PM


Animeby MissMisu

Anime that ran for approximately a single year. Episode counts including 45-55. Japanese anime only.

50 Entries · Nov 2, 2024 12:54 PM


Animeby primagi

Part 1 -> https://myanimelist.net/stacks/57182
Part 3 -> https://myanimelist.net/stacks/57184
Part 4 -> https://myanimelist.net/stacks/57185
Part 5 -> https://myanimelist.net/stacks/57186

50 Entries · Nov 22, 2024 5:25 AM


Part 1: https://myanimelist.net/stacks/37228
Part 2: https://myanimelist.net/stacks/51425
Part 4: https://myanimelist.net/stacks/61131
Part 5: https://myanimelist.net/stacks/62244
Happy Romantic Lolis: https://myanimelist.net/stacks/42419
Unhappy Lolis: https://myanimelist.net/stacks/58065

50 Entries · Mar 21, 7:30 AM


In Real Life, we humans are basically the only species uncomfortable with public nudity. (Though the extent varies massively depending on the culture and time period Most other creatures in the world) with the arguable exceptions of hermit crabs, caddisfly larvae, and decorator crabs don't share this taboo, and spend the entirety of their lives without ever covering themselves in a shred of clothing. So when a work of fiction uses animals for its core cast of thinking, personified characters, what's an author to do about their underlying, well, nudity?

Now is an important time to define the term "nudity": When we say that a person is "naked", we usually use it in a social context, implying that they should Please Put Some Clothes On. As Fully-Clothed Nudity shows, we can consider a person "naked" even if they actually have some kind of clothes on. Even though the standard for acceptable human attire can vary with each culture, this isn't a standard we hold animals to; we just don't view their nudity as being so objectionable. Maybe it's the coat of fur (or feathers) that partially obscures their genitals already; maybe it's the four-legged posture that makes their unmentionables less visible than those of a bipedal human (especially from the front). So while we may not particularly want to be looking at an animal's family jewels, the omission of them in art is (usually) much less noticeable than Human Nudity.

The target demographic for this trope is more in response to Children and Teens. However this does not stop an Adult from Enjoying the Show.

or in Opposite Ways, This is about animals wearing accessories and pieces of clothing. Only, they are not Always cartoonish animals. They still walk on four legs (unless they are a bird or another animal that is supposed to be bipedal), most don't talk, they eat from the floor, and most lack the opposing thumbs and manual dexterity that allow them to hold things.

Given the lack of proper clothing that animals (those less anthropomorphic than the Civilized Animal tier) can wear without feeling uncomfortable, the amount of clothing they can wear usually doesn't exceed the accessory-wearing or half-dressed (shirt or other top but no pants or other bottom version) tiers.

Truth in Television: Some owners do give dogs clothes for them to wear, mostly for small dogs in winter. Also, working animals almost always wear special packs, vests, jackets, or blankets marking them as such.

20 Entries · Mar 7, 10:44 AM